The Studio Behind Detroit: Become Human is Allegedly Working on a Star Wars Game

The Studio Behind Detroit: Become Human is Allegedly Working on a Star Wars Game

Ever since EA lost exclusive rights to the Lucasfilm IP, we’ve been getting more announcements on upcoming Star Wars games from multiple developers. The latest studio rumored to be journeying into a galaxy far far away? The guys behind Detroit: Become Human.

As per French Youtuber Gautoz (via IGN), Quantic Dream has signed on to work with Disney. Though this is just a rumor, Dualshockers also reports that other sources have been able to confirm that QD is working on a Star Wars title, and that they have been doing so for the last 18 months.

We don’t have any details as to what kind of game Quantic Dream is working on, but seeing that they have built a reputation on story-based gameplay, we could very much get the same kind of angle when it comes to their Star Wars title. With established characters possibly being a huge draw for the game, it’s also likely that they could focus on an entirely new character so they can have more freedom with the story—kind of like how Respawn made Cal Kestis for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

As of now, there hasn’t been any official announcement on this title, so all we can do is watch and wait for a reveal. Even if that is the case, we have several other Star Wars games to look forward to down the line, like Hunters, the Knights of the Republic remake, the sequel to Fallen Order, and LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

Upcoming Star Wars games like Hunters and LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga are set to come out sometime in 2022.


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