The Penguin: Matt Reeves on Why Oz Killed [SPOILER] in the Finale

The Penguin: Matt Reeves on Why Oz Killed [SPOILER] in the Finale

The Penguin has had a fantastic run for its first season, and the series has clearly set up Oz Cobb to be one of the most despicable people in Gotham.

Probably one of the biggest moments in the series was Oz killing his protégé Vic, who he had been bringing up throughout the entire season. But despite Vic’s loyalty, it seems that Oz had grown attached to him—resulting to him… killing Vic?

It’s definitely one of the worst things that Oz has done in the show, but a lot of fans think that it was all set up from the beginning. Talking to Entertainment Weekly, The Batman director Matt Reeves explained:

“It’s not about how he’s killing Vic because he thinks Vic failed him, or someone manipulated him… He’s killing him because he can’t bear the fact that he actually does have that closeness with this kid, because that makes him weak. He’s basically trying to strangle his vulnerability.” 

Every fans’ jaw had collectively dropped when Oz got rid of Vic in the last few minutes of the show; but it was admittedly impressive how the series was able to make Oz likeable from the beginning only to have it slowly revealed that he was a sad psychopath toward the final episodes.

We don’t know what else is in store for Oz in this timeline, but it does seem he’s going to be having some political aspirations. Some speculate that he could end up being Gotham’s mayor by the third movie, but we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

In the meantime, fans can check out the complete season of The Penguin now streaming on Max.


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