The Legend of Vox Machina Returns in Trailer for 3rd Season

The Legend of Vox Machina Returns in Trailer for 3rd Season

Amazon Prime Video may be spending the whole of August just hyping up the premiere of LOTR: The Rings of Power, but they’ve also dropped a new preview for another one of their fantasy series.

Check out the trailer for the third season of The Legend of Vox Machina:

Here’s the official description for Season 3:

Everything is at stake in the long-awaited Season Three of The Legend of Vox Machina. The Chroma Conclave’s path of destruction spreads like wildfire while the Cinder King hunts down Vox Machina. Our lovable band of misfits must rise above inner (and outer) demons to try and save their loved ones, Tal’Dorei, and all of Exandria.

Seasons of Vox Machina usually released around January, but the third season had been pushed back to October this year. Though a lot of the characters do seem to look the same, there seems to be some changes when it comes to the overall look of some characters.

Grog particularly looks different this season thanks to his beard. While his kind is mostly hairless, it was his donning of the Belt of Dwarvenkind in the second season that gave Grog facial hair, and it looks like he’s keeping the look for the new season. Now he just looks like a Kratos from the new God of War games.

With Lord of the Rings more on the cleaner side of things, Vox Machina is a show that lets Amazon play around in the R-rated fantasy genre. It’s no House of the Dragon when it comes to intrigue and scandal, but the show is probably the best representation of a modern D&D campaign.

The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 premieres on Amazon Prime Video on Oct. 3.


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