lucasfilm – Geekfeed Entertainment News, Celebrities and Fandoms Sun, 23 Mar 2025 17:38:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 lucasfilm – Geekfeed 32 32 Star Wars: The Mandalorian and Grogu is the Cheapest Disney-Era Star Wars Movie Sun, 23 Mar 2025 17:38:59 +0000 The Rey Skywalker movie may have taken a backseat, but Jon Favreau is going to be bringing Star Wars back in theaters with The Mandalorian and Grogu.

The movie will be the first theatrically released Star Wars film since The Rise of Skywalker, and it had a very unique title when it comes to Disney-era Star Wars—it’s going to be the cheapest movie produced since Revenge of the Sith.

According to Collider, Mando and Grogu has a budget of $166.4 million, significantly lower than the budgets for all the Disney era Star Wars films that have released since 2015. Compare that also to the Prequel Trilogy whose cheapest movie, ROTS, had a budget of $113 million.

Here’s the budget for other Star Wars movies for comparison:

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope 1977 $11 million
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back 1980 $18 million
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi 1983 $32.5 million
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 1999 $115 million
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones 2002 $115 million
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith 2005 $113 million
Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 $245 million
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 $200 million
Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2017 $317 million
Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018 $275 million
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 2019 $275 million
The Mandalorian and Grogu 2026 $166.4 million


It is worth noting that Mandalorian was one of the shows to pioneer the use of the Volume, and it’s possible that this could be the reason why production was able to save costs. Besides not having to find as many locations, the lead character having his face hidden constantly also allows for multiple scenes to be shot simultaneously—saving lots of time and money for production. It’s also what makes The Mandalorian so cleverly crafted from a practical standpoint.

Admittedly, a lot of fans have logged out of the Mando/Grogu story ever since they reunited the two in Book of Boba Fett, but if all they want to bring is a spectacle, the big screen is surely the place to check it out when it comes to Star Wars.

The Mandalorian and Grogu is set to come to cinemas on May 22, 2026.

Should We Expect Jyn Erso in Andor 2? Tony Gilroy Answers Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:54:58 +0000 The first season of Andor was great, and it even featured some returning characters from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story including Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, and minor character Melshi.

With the second season incoming, we know that Krennic is going to make an appearance, but what about the lead of Rogue One herself Jyn Erso? Talking to EW, showrunner Tony Gilroy was asked if Jyn could make an appearance, to which he said:

“I’m not gonna answer that question fully. We’re not really teasers in our show, are we? We don’t really tease very much. Everything that we’re gonna bring in to get to Rogue is going to be organic. There’s nothing we’re bringing in for fun. Or just because somebody wants to see it. It has to be germane to the story.”

With Jyn meeting Cassian for the first time in Rogue One, it’s very likely they don’t run into each other in Season 2, but they could probably do a workaround where it’s Cassian who provides the intel of Jyn’s existence when they discover that Galen Erso is the architect behind the Death Star.

You know what, add Mads Mikkelsen to that Season 2 cameo wishlist as well.

With shows like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka being glorified cameo-fests, some fans welcome Andor’s story-first approach; that being said, it wouldn’t hurt to have a few familiar faces here and there. It’s just important not to rely too heavily on them.

It’s not clear what Star Wars has planned for the rest of the year, but for now, a lot of fans are eager for the return of one of the more mature Star Wars properties to come out of Disney+.

Andor Season 2 premieres on Disney+ on April 22.

Ex-Star Wars Writer Steven Knight Praises Kathy Kennedy Wed, 12 Mar 2025 09:59:16 +0000 Peaky Blinders’ Steven Knight was asked to work on the next Star Wars movie months ago, and a lot of fans thought it was a bad sign that he moved on from the project and George Nolfi was asked to take over writing duties.

While a lot of fans thought that Knight would at least express some disappointment that he didn’t get the final draft for the movie, he has nothing but nice things to say about his time working on Star Wars. Talking to The Playlist, Knight explains:

“I mean, it was such a great experience. And I’m not just saying this. They were great people… Kathleen Kennedy is a pleasure to work with. [Lucasfilm are] smart people who know their craft. And for me, it’s like a particular discipline in the world of writing and film. It’s this world, and you enter the world, and you do your bit, and you do your take.”

It’s not clear how much of Knight’s story is going to make it to the final product, but it has been said that he was still going to get a credit. With Lucasfilm being so protective of the Star Wars canon and brand, Knight says that he was kind of swept up when he started working for the studio. He continues:

“…It’s like stepping into a hurricane, in a way, because of the fans, because of what they want and what they feel… So you’re in this world, and you’re doing your bit in this world.

“[But I loved it. You either get blown away, or you use it… And I really wanted to use that energy to do what I do, to contribute what I want to contribute.”

Admittedly, it has been difficult for Lucasfilm the past few years after The Rise of Skywalker, seeing that the company looks to have been forced between bringing in new material or pandering to the existing fanbase.

With a lot of years of this toxic Star Wars fandom though, I am hoping that Kathy Kennedy and the rest of the Lucasfilm leadership have good idea on where to take the ship; because I’m honestly more on the camp that likes pushing the story forward with relevant themes (i.e., Andor, Skeleton Crew) as compared to just constantly returning to the OT for some familiar faces (i.e., Ahsoka, The Mandalorian).

Hopefully the next Rey Skywalker movie comes out sooner rather than later.


Familiar Faces Reunite in Special Look at Andor Season 2 Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:52:21 +0000 While Star Wars fans eventually turned their back on The Mandalorian, a lot of critics had fallen in love with the Rogue One spinoff Andor from Tony Gilroy. The second season is set to premiere this April, and a new special look has been dropped revealing some familiar returning faces.

Check this out:

Beside Cassian and other returning characters like Luthen, Mon Mothma, and Saw Gerrera, the second season also features other Rogue One faces like Alan Tudyk, who plays the part of Cassian’s droid partner K-2SO. On the Imperial side of things, Ben Mendelsohn is also back in the role of Death Star architect Director Krennic. It’s not clear what his role is going to be, but seeing as the first season ended with the tease of the Death Star, it’s possible he could be showing up to tout the near completion of his passion project.

It’s worth noting that this series is said to take place four years before the events of Rogue One, so there could be a lot of Easter Eggs pointing to the eventual recruitment of Jyn Erso as well as Cassian’s arrival in Wobani (where he straight-up kills an informant).

Unlike other Star Wars series, Andor is going to be releasing multiple episodes at a time, completing specific arcs of the season. While some are complaining about the format, I think that Andor does great in that it tells a complete story every drop as compared to keeping audiences in their toes every week (with episodes that vary in runtime).

Catch the second season of Andor when it premieres on Disney+ on April 22.

Longlegs Director Osgood Perkins Wants to Make a Darth Vader Anthology Story Thu, 06 Mar 2025 10:44:42 +0000 Director Osgood Perkins has been making waves in the horror movie space, and just recently he held an AMA on Reddit to promote his latest film, The Monkey. When asked by a fan if he would ever want to make a big budget movie, Perkins had the surprising answer of wanting to work on Star Wars. He says he would like to make a film about, “the collected dreams and nightmares of Darth Vader told as short stories.”

Admittedly, Lucasfilm has been very protective of its brand ever since The Rise of Skywalker and it’s led to creative stalemates with several auteurs over the years. With Perkins being a very artsy director, it’s questionable if Lucasfilm will allow him the creative freedom to infuse his voice into Star Wars; but maybe Perkins himself is flexible and can deliver something that fits into the universe while at the same time being keeping his knack for horror.

I mean, if Taika Waititi can tone down his style for The Mandalorian, surely Perkins can pull it off as well.

While Perkins’ pitch does sound like it can work for a series, Darth Vader is a huge enough character to merit a return to the cinema. With a lot of fans celebrating the return of Hayden Christensen, maybe Lucasfilm will consider the return of the Star Wars Story format with a Darth Vader-centric anthology story.

Who knows, maybe Perkins can rework his idea into an Obi-Wan sequel that actually releases in theaters?

For now, check out Perkins’ The Monkey now showing in theaters.

Star Wars: Who are the Possible Successors of Kathleen Kennedy? Mon, 03 Mar 2025 10:23:41 +0000 Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy has to be one of the most scrutinized figures in Hollywood, and that’s thanks to her being the lead of a franchise with one of the most toxic online fandoms.

With the announcement that Kennedy is set to retire by the end of the year, fans online have been wondering just who her successor is going to be, and The Hollywood Reporter has come up with a  list of possible nominations put together with some inside information.

So far, the THR list for the next Lucasfilm president includes:

  • Jon Favreau
  • Dave Filoni
  • Kevin Feige
  • J. Abrams
  • Emma Watts
  • Hannah Minghella

One other name that should have been on the list was longtime Lucasfilm executive Rayne Roberts who was said to have been groomed by Kennedy to take over for her, but she was recently announced as Searchlight’s new senior VP of production, so it’s not likely she’s going to jump ship anytime soon.

As for the rest of the list Abrams was said to have had a nightmare experience with The Rise of Skywalker, so it’s likely he won’t be coming back. Watts was a respected executive that delivered the X-Men and Avatar movies for Fox; and Minghella used to work for Abrams and has had a long stint with kid-friendly movies at Sony Pictures like Cloudy with a Chance of Meetballs, Goosebumps, and Hotel Transylvania.

Marvel head Kevin Feige is too busy restructuring Marvel after they made serious fumbles after Endgame; so the top choices are (unfortunately) Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. It’s even suggested that they could be co-presidents—much like James Gunn and Peter Safran for DC Studios.

It’s worth noting that while Filoni and Favreau have been behind some of the most buzzed about Star Wars content, the position of president for Lucasfilm is not so creative and is more on the business side of things. One producer for Star Wars said, ““What people don’t understand is that it’s not a creative job… That’s about 10 percent. The rest of it is dealing with Disney, licensing and fans.”

Kennedy was a seasoned producer with several hit movies under her belt before she was handpicked by George Lucas to take over for him. It’s only natural that the next leader of Star Wars should have the right balance as well.

For now, fans are arguing about what’s the best direction to go, but whoever Kennedy picks, I’m hopeful that they do a good job and manage to get Star Wars out of its nostalgia rut.

Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy Officially Stepping Down? Wed, 26 Feb 2025 09:07:12 +0000 Anyone who follows the Star Wars fandom knows that a good chunk of the anti-woke mob hates women and POC, but the mascot for a lot of their vitriol has been Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, who took over for Star Wars after George Lucas sold it to Disney back in 2012.

Now after more than a decade of running the franchise, it looks like Kennedy could be set to retire. According to Puck News (via THR), Kennedy has informed her associates that she’s ready to step down as the president of Lucasfilm come the end of the year.

No further details have been revealed about Kennedy’s exit, but as expected, the people who have been against her for a while are taking this as a huge win for them. Now some are curious as to who Kennedy could choose to become her successor.

Though Kennedy had successfully relaunched Star Wars on the big screen with The Force Awakens, her run hasn’t always been perfect; especially with news of creatives getting sidelined—like Phil Lord and Chris Miller with Solo: A Star Wars Story, and Rogue One director Gareth Edwards getting replaced behind-the-scenes with Tony Gilroy.

That being said, Kennedy was still at the helm when great Star Wars content dropped like The Mandalorian and the critically-acclaimed Andor on Disney+.

Outside of Star Wars, Kennedy has been known to be a dynamite producer, having worked on classics like Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. She’s been nominated for eight Oscars her whole career and has produced/executive produced more than 70 movies.

It does feel odd that she’s stepping down with all this build-up to the next Star Wars movie starring Rey, but I can also imagine it’s been a tough decade since The Last Jedi when she became the target for hate speech and vitriol by arguably the worst people in the SW fandom.

I’m just hoping she picks the right successor who isn’t Dave Filoni.

Why is Lucasfilm Marketing Andor Season 2 with a Rock Song? Wed, 26 Feb 2025 05:34:35 +0000 Star Wars had decided to market Skeleton Crew with a pop song (Major Tom by Peter Schilling) playing over it, but it did have that special twist that the lyrics were in Huttese. Now Lucasfilm is going all-in on the jam songs with the latest trailer for Andor Season 2.

Check this out:

Just for context, the song is The Revolution Starts Now from Steve Earle.

Admittedly, this is a new direction for Lucasfilm marketing, seeing that all the previews that has come before it ever since The Force Awakens had just been using original music from the films.

We don’t know why there’s a sudden change, but it does seem that Lucasfilm wants to market the series to be more ‘fun’ for anyone who didn’t check out the first season of Andor. Despite the critical acclaim, a lot of the far-right Star Wars Youtubers had dubbed the show ‘boring’, and it looks like the use of a rock/country song for the trailer is Lucasfilm trying to beat the allegations.

As someone who actually enjoyed the first season, it’s definitely an odd move, but I am excited for the show to come back. Unlike series like The Mandalorian, it seemed that showrunner Tony Gilroy was not so focused on having a new wave of incoming action figures; but rather he wanted to write an honest-to-goodness rebellion story.

Having the trailer with upbeat music does kind of feel like it messes with the tone of the show, but if it can get more people to watch, then I’m not complaining.

Catch Andor Season 2 when it premieres on Disney+ on April 22.

‘The Wait will be Worth It’: Daisy Ridley on New Jedi Order Fri, 21 Feb 2025 08:51:11 +0000 A lot of fans thought that Star Wars would be back in theaters by now, but after multiple creatives have come and gone, it looks like they’ll have to wait a couple more years before they can jump back to the world on the big screen. While a lot of fans have expressed their frustration for the delays, Daisy Ridley assures them that they should just be rest-assured that it will be worth the wait for the New Jedi Order.

Talking to THR, Ridley shares, “People have talked about it a lot that the release date often affects films and how quickly things go into production. So the freedom to make sure that this [New Jedi Order] script is the best way to tell this story is wonderful, and I don’t think any fans would want it to be rushed… The wait will be worth it. I know what George [Nolfi] is working on, and he is a phenomenal writer. So I’m really looking forward to reading it, and yes, it’s all worthwhile.”

We don’t know much about the story, but it’s said that New Jedi Order will take place 15 years after the events of The Rise of Skywalker. It’s not clear who else could come back besides Ridley, but some fans are hoping for the return of the ST’s major players including John Boyega (Finn), Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron), and Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico).

Admittedly, some fans think that Star Wars is in a creative rut for the past few years, and after the nostalgia pandering of the series, some aren’t really that hyped for the theatrical release of The Mandalorian and Grogu. Then again, there are some shining stars like Andor and Skeleton Crew, and that should mean that there are still efforts to keep things fresh at Lucasfilm.

No release date has been set for New Jedi Order, but fans are hoping for a release sometime next year. In the meantime, watch out for Ridley in Cleaner which comes out Feb. 21.

Jude Law Avoided Any Lightsaber Training for Skeleton Crew Fri, 14 Feb 2025 19:19:42 +0000 Skeleton Crew was one of the more unique Star Wars properties to come out recently, and though it did have a lot of starships and blasters, one character was able to hold the franchise’s iconic lightsaber—Jod Na-Nawood.

While it did seem like Jod was the only one who knew how to use a saber out of the whole cast, actor Jude Law apparently wanted to look as clumsy as possible holding it onscreen. Talking during MegaCon 2025 (via ScreenRant), Law explained, “We kind of liked the idea that he had zero lightsaber experience.”

This essentially confirms the backstory that Jod had never held a lightsaber before in Skeleton Crew, and it’s also very apparent in the series that he mostly uses it to threaten people, and the only time he really did some real damage was when he took off SM-33’s head.

For now, there’s a lot of backstory that’s still missing for Jod. Sure, he wasn’t able to take control of At-Attin, but some think that there’s space in the second season to cover just who Jod was training under, and how he eventually ended up leading his own pirate gang.

Though Jod did lead the invasion of the planet, some think that his unwillingness to hurt any of the children directly could still mean that he has earned a soft spot for them, and maybe there’s room for him to eventually get some of that classic Star Wars redemption.

Catch the complete first season of Skeleton Crew now streaming on Disney+.

Star Wars: Daisy Ridley More ‘Involved’ in New Jedi Order Fri, 14 Feb 2025 03:28:18 +0000 After several years of nostalgia-baiting, Lucasfilm has finally announced a project that will bring back Daisy Ridley’s Rey Skywalker. Admittedly the film has been having quite a hard time getting off the ground, but one different thing is, Ridley herself has been more intimately involved in the developing process.

In a recent talk with Collider, Ridley shares:

“I don’t know that I’d be a producer on it, but I certainly have been very involved. I’m involved in, well, not very involved, but I’m involved in as much as I know what’s going on, I know the story, I know what’s going on with the script, so I’m aware of all that. And I think what’s been really wonderful over the last few years is being more involved from the start to finish, really coming to set knowing this is the absolute best way we can tell this story. These are the best actors for the job. This is the best crew for the job. Having that confidence is so lovely. And it’s not that I didn’t have that before, but I’m much more cognizant of it now. So in that way, I’m looking forward to turning up, really knowing the ins and outs of what the journey has been, and we’re arriving at the absolute best place to tell this particular story.”

With the Sequel Trilogy getting criticized for not having a solid story when it was started by J.J. Abrams, it does seem like Lucasfilm is trying to remedy that—some may even consider that they are overcorrecting, what with the several writers that have come and gone since the project had been announced.

It’s not clear exactly how Lucasfilm wants to push forward with the Sequel Era, but it does seem like they’ve stepped back far enough since the end of The Rise of Skywalker to take a good look at what works and what doesn’t.

I’m just hoping their message is more attuned with projects like Andor and The Last Jedi, because I have no excitement for nostalgia-baiting titles like Ahsoka and The Mandalorian.

No release date has been set for New Jedi Order, but fans are hoping for something by 2026.

Star Wars: Lucasfilm Quietly Appoints New VP of Development Sun, 09 Feb 2025 18:51:47 +0000 It’s no mystery that Star Wars has been kind of a mixed back since 2019, and a lot of fans have been biting their nails for the announced Lucasfilm projects that never seemed to be able to get off the ground.

Now it looks like there has been a shake-up in the Lucasfilm hierarchy.

As some redditors have pointed out (via Star Wars News Net) Derek Hoffman has been appointed as the new VP of Development; he’s replacing Rayne Roberts, who until December 2024 still had the job.

For context, Roberts had helped develop The Acolyte with Leslye Headland, which was eventually cancelled. We don’t know what Hoffman has to bring to the table yet, but has has worked as an executive producer for several of the Fox X-Men films including Days of Future Past as well as FX series like Legion and The Gifted.

Here’s what the official Lucasfilm page had to say about him:

“Since attending Indiana University, Derek Hoffman has worked in the film, video game and comic book industry for the last 24 years. Getting his start with The Donners’ Company as a runner, he quickly moved into an assistant role for director Richard Donner and then to associate producer on the feature film Timeline and co-producer on 16 Blocks. Derek next became a development executive and later vice president for the company where he worked on each film in the X-Men franchise, including as associate producer on X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Derek ultimately spearheaded the franchise’s move into television serving as co-executive producer on the FX series Legion and as executive producer on FOX’s The Gifted.

At Lucasfilm, Derek will help lead the team that develops our stories for adaptation in live action.”

Based on the description, it looks like Hoffman is only going to specifically focus on live-action projects. Some suspect that he could be attached to the trilogy being developed by Simon Kinberg, but it’s possible that he could be dipping his toes on Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau territory with The Mandalorian.

I’m just hoping he gives Skeleton Crew the greenlight for Season 2 soon.

Star Wars New Jedi Order Writer on How George Lucas Tackles Politics Fri, 07 Feb 2025 02:36:16 +0000 Star Wars New Jedi Order has just found another writer with George Nolfi, and a lot of fans are hoping this one sticks around this time.

We don’t know much about how he’s going to be tackling the story, but he does have an interesting take on George Lucas and how he uses politics in Star Wars to explore themes of fascism and oppression. Talking to FilmStories, Nolfi explains:

“If you think about George Lucas, the six movies that he did, and the universe that he created, it’s actually very steeped in broad notions of politics. It’s not talking about today, per se, but there’s the Empire’s Nazism slash Roman Empire. The democracy of the Roman Empire collapsing and becoming an empire and the perennial story of human beings organizing themselves and against chaos, and then the tools that help human societies tamp down on chaos become oppression.

So that is really very core to what I think George Lucas was trying to talk about. And one of the wonderful things about science fiction and Star Wars – which is more almost science fantasy or space opera – is that you can raise the deepest issues without it feeling like a philosophy class, or a political science class, or something I read in the newspaper today…

It can be about real things, deep things.”

Admittedly, saying something like ‘Star Wars is political’ is likely to draw toxic fans like moth to a flame, but it does seem like Nolfi is being very pragmatic with his statement and is just trying to point out how elegant the original films were in portraying politics without really shining a light at it.

As someone who was a big fan of The Last Jedi, it was kind of disheartening that The Rise of Skywalker would go and embrace legacy again, but hopefully Lucasfilm has already learned its lesson when it comes to fan-pandering. No doubt the box office of The Mandalorian and Grogu could be an indication of what the next 10 years of Star Wars is going to look like.

For now, no release date has been set for New Jedi Order, but fans are hoping for a 2026 release.

Disney is Turning Their Failed Star Wars Hotel into an Office Wed, 05 Feb 2025 03:31:00 +0000 Disney had tried to launch their own Star Wars Hotel a.k.a. the Galactic Starcruiser back in 2022, but barely a year later they decided they were going to close everything down.

While some fans thought that they would try and salvage the attraction after they spent a billion building it, The Wrap reports that Disney has now decided to just repurpose the building into offices for Walt Disney Imagineering—the division of Disney that thinks up the park attractions, as well as cruise ships and retail locations.

When the experience was initially launched, it was marketed as this kind of Star Wars LARP adventure where people would be confined in the hotel for 2 nights with the guise that they were travellers on a starcruiser populated by all kinds of aliens and First Order troopers.

There would be all kinds of missions and immersive games that people would get to participate in, and there would even be a shuttle that would take guests to the Galaxy’s Edge theme park a.k.a. the Star Wars park in the main Disney amusement park.

Though the idea for Galactic Starcruiser may have been interesting, the whole thing was bashed when it went live, especially for the ridiculously expensive tickets. For a full rundown of just how poorly executed the attraction was, Jenny Nicholson had a 4-hour viral video essay detailing her awful experience, no matter how much she tried to milk the fun out of the Starcruiser:

For now, fans are certainly disappointed that Disney didn’t try to salvage the building, or even just make it a regularly themed hotel; but maybe the people over at the Imagineers could figure out something to do with it besides making it an office.

Bourne Ultimatum Writer Attached to Rey’s New Jedi Order Movie Tue, 28 Jan 2025 15:15:19 +0000 After going through creatives like a lightsaber through a tauntaun, the next Star Wars movie starring Rey may have just fond another writer; but the question that fans are asking is, “Is this one really staying this time?”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, George Nolfi (The Banker, The Bourne Ultimatum) has been tapped to write the New Jedi Order movie. No details have been revealed about what Nolfi could bring to the project, but director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is still attached to the helm, and Daisy Ridley doesn’t look like she’s going anywhere.

The film was announced two years ago, and multiple people have come and gone from the film including Damon Lindelof (Watchmen) and Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders). Nolfi is the latest to be attached to the project, but at this point, until the movie actually releases in theaters, fans aren’t going to be holding their breath for these updates.

Admittedly, I’m on the side of the fanbase that thinks that Lucasfilm is kind of at a low point recently. Sure there are original projects like Skeleton Crew, but after the cancellation of The Acolyte, it does look like it’s going to be a few more years of whatever nostalgia-baiting Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau want to do.

Some fans actually suggested to just have Rian Johnson write the next Rey movie since the same people are going to hate it anyway, but maybe Nolfi has the right idea of where to take the script this time. I guess I’m just happy they haven’t given up yet.

No release date has been set for the New Jedi Order movie.

Skeleton Crew Star Hints at Possible Second Season Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:56:26 +0000 Skeleton Crew may have felt like the perfectly contained mini-series, but the show does end with a lot of loose threads, particularly with the fate of Jod and the future of At Attin now that they have no Supervisor.

While a second season hasn’t been officially announced, star Ravi Cabot-Conyers has hinted that there are plans for a follow-up. Here’s his IG post (via @sw_holocron):

This particular sentence hints at a future: “I hope my extraordinary Crew will be back together again in the future so we can inject a little adventure and intrigue into your life once a week! With love from Ravi.”

As far as Skeleton Crew goes, the series has gotten a lot of great reviews when it came out, but reports are saying that the series hasn’t been able to draw in an audience like Mandalorian. Even if that’s the case, with the show already completed, it’s possible that Disney is just waiting for Skeleton Crew to gain its audience over time. Though The Acolyte did get cancelled, there’s been nothing reported about how much Skeleton Crew cost—and it looked like it was mostly a money issue that led to Acolyte Season 2 not getting the greenlight.

So far, Skeleton Crew has managed to deliver the promise of ‘The Goonies in space’ pitch. The child cast is great, and it hits a lot of angst-y beats that are expected with these coming-of-age movies. We don’t know how they plan to move forward, but I suspect Wim and friends could be dealing with going to space college and having to say good-bye to one another.

Catch Skeleton Crew now showing on Disney+.

Star Wars: Is This the Plot for the Mandalorian and Grogu Movie? Sun, 19 Jan 2025 14:49:54 +0000 Star Wars had been announcing several false starts over the past few years, but it looks like they’re sticking to the theatrical release of The Mandalorian and Grogu next year.

Nothing much has been described about the plot of the movie besides that it focuses on the two stars of The Mandalorian series, but Star Wars News Net may have dropped some new details. According to the site, the movie could focus on Din Djarin and his adopted son going on a rescue mission for Rotta the Hutt (a.k.a. the son of Jabba the Hutt played by Jeremy Allen White from The Bear).

Funnily enough, the rescue of Rotta being a plot point would be circling back to The Clone Wars movie that released in theatres; that movie also had Rotta being rescued, but at that point, he was a baby, and his rescuers were Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker.

Besides the rescue mission plot, the site also confirms that another Clone Wars original character Embo would be coming back for the film, and this time, he’ll be voiced by Dave Filoni. Embo has shown up in several episodes of The Clone Wars and has teamed up with all-time favourites like Boba Fett, Bossk, and Asajj Ventress. He’s just another animated character making his way to live-action like Cad Bane did in Book of Boba Fett.

I’ll be honest, the Filoni projects have been mostly nostalgia bait at this point after Ahsoka, and it looks like Mando and Grogu could be going the same direction. Since we don’t have a trailer yet though, I’m willing to give Lucasfilm the benefit of the doubt. We’ll just have to wait and see when we’ll get our first look.

The Mandalorian and Grogu comes to cinemas on May 22, 2026.

Ewan McGregor Reprising Obi-Wan for Ahsoka Season 2? Wed, 15 Jan 2025 05:16:57 +0000 Ewan McGregor returned as Obi-Wan Kenobi in his own Disney+ series, but the show didn’t manage to make massive waves and a second season is nowhere in sight. However, it looks like McGregor could be coming back in another capacity.

According to Star Wars News Net, McGregor could be making another comeback as Obi-Wan in the second season of Ahsoka. It’s said that he would be reprising Obi-Wan during a Clone Wars flashback and will also share scenes with Ariana Greenblatt, who plays the younger Ahsoka.

Besides McGregor, the site also says that Hayden Christensen is going to return in a bigger role as Anakin Skywalker this time around. Christensen had a recurring role as Anakin in the first season as a hologram, then as a vision, but he comes back as a Force Ghost to connect with Ahsoka by the end of the season.

With Dave Filoni at the helm of the series, it’s no mystery that Ahsoka was littered with all kinds of Easter Eggs to previously established lore; but a lot of fans have caught wise to Filoni’s tendency for nostalgia-baiting, and a lot weren’t too happy with Ahsoka’s character essentially being a bland Jedi who spends most of the series crossing her arms and slightly smiling at Sabine.

It’s unclear if Filoni was able to address this problem for the second season, but with him also working on the Mandalorian and Grogu movie, it’s best to assume that he’s been pretty busy since Ahsoka aired.

Ahsoka Season 2 is set to start shooting this year, and Lucasfilm is planning to release The Mandalorian and Grogu in theatres on May 22, 2026.

Logan Director James Mangold Confirms the Setting of His ‘Dawn of the Jedi’ Sun, 12 Jan 2025 06:52:33 +0000 Star Wars may have taken a break from the box office since 2019, but Lucasfilm has been slowly cooking with a bunch of incoming movies—one of them being a prequel from Indiana Jones director James Mangold. While there hasn’t been any official reveals for his Dawn of the Jedi movie, he does confirm when the film will be set.

Talking to MovieWeb, Mangold shares, “The Star Wars movie would be taking place 25,000 years before any known Star Wars movies takes place. It’s an area and a playground that I’ve always [wanted to explore] and that I was inspired by as a teenager. I’m not that interested in being handcuffed by so much lore at this point that it’s almost immovable, and you can’t please anybody.”

With the thousand-years gap, this would be the farthest a live-action property has went back in time in terms of the original canon. Before Dawn of the Jedi, there was The Acolyte, which took place around the High Republic era, roughly a hundred years before the events of The Phantom Menace.

While we don’t have specific story details for Dawn of the Jedi, Mangold has said in an old interview that his movie would deal with the first Jedi and the discovery of the Force. He told Empire, “It’s about the discovery of the Force… I told Kathy [Kennedy, head of Lucasfilm] I wanted to make a kind of Bible movie, a kind of Ten Commandments of Star Wars – kind of a Cecil B DeMille film about the arrival of the Force, and that’s what I’ve been pecking away at between press events. That’s the idea.”

It’s certainly a fascinating concept, and one that has barely been showcased in the live-action Star Wars media. Admittedly, there’s so much toxic scrutiny whenever a Star Wars thing comes out nowadays, but hopefully the obscurity of the timeline will make the haters back down.

But let’s face it, the moment they announce the lead is a POC or woman, this project is going to fuel months of grifter hate way before the movie releases.

Let’s just hope that Lucasfilm learned their lesson from the Sequel Trilogy.

Dawn of the Jedi is yet to receive a release date.

Skeleton Crew: Jude Law on Jack Silvo and Why He Hates Children Mon, 16 Dec 2024 15:10:32 +0000 Skeleton Crew is giving off a lot of 80s adventure movie vibes, and Jude Law is cast as the adult among a cast of lost children. What’s funny is that, Law’s character Jod Na Nawood/Jack Silvo kind of hates children, and it’s all part of his backstory.

Talking to Entertainment Weekly, Law reveals, I would say is that [Jack’s] not someone who’s had a childhood. He’s someone who’s kind of had his childhood snatched away from him, and it’s why he looks at the kids sort of with disdain. They’re just small adults. Why don’t they understand they’ve got to get on and survive? And why are they so inexperienced? He has no real concept of innocence.”

Though it’s pretty clear that Jack is a pirate, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding him—specifically if he has any Force-sensitive powers. Law doesn’t outright say whether Jack can control the Force, but he does hint that his backstory is going to be explored near the end of the series. He continues:

That doesn’t really come out until right near the end when you really get an insight into his backstory and why he may be a Force user and is Force-sensitive. And it was a detail that was always there, but [creators Jon Watts and Christopher Ford) and I really went back and made sure we were all on the same page as to where he was born and what happened.”

There’s a ton of speculation going around about Jack as a character, but at this point, the twist could be that he was Force-sensitive after all, but he wasn’t a Jedi. My personal guess is that he was a padawan during the Purge that managed to escape by becoming a pirate; but that’s already a story that’s pretty close to Fallen Order. Then again, Cal Kestis’ direction went a completely different way. I’m all up for Jude Law, space pirate Jedi.

Catch new episodes of Skeleton Crew every Tuesday on Disney+.
