Star Wars: Kathleen Kennedy Confirms A Knights of the Old Republic Project is in the Works

Star Wars: Kathleen Kennedy Confirms A Knights of the Old Republic Project is in the Works

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After The Rise of Skywalker, a lot of people don’t know what to expect when it comes to the main Star Wars franchise. What’s great though, is that Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed that there are plans to visit the Old Republic era.

Talking to MTV News, Kennedy confirms when asked about The Old Republic:

“We talk about that all the time. Yes, we are developing something to look at. Right now, I have no idea where things might fall, but we have to be careful that there is a cadence to Star Wars that doesn’t start to feel like too much. We don’t have a crystal ball. We tried a little bit with Solo to see if we can do two movies a year, or whether or not there was an opportunity for that, and we felt that’s not going to work, so we backed of that a little bit, but that doesn’t mean we don’t think about lots of different stories because that’s the exciting thing about this universe.”

Kennedy did not confirm what kind of media the Old Republic project would fall under, whether it be a film or a TV series from Disney+, but it had been rumored that the series of movies that Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss were working on was going to be based on that era. It’s only a matter of time before Lucasfilm announces something official.

Though the main Star Wars films are aimed mostly at the kids, it’s said that Lucasfilm is trying to cover a more mature audience when it comes to bringing Benioff and Weiss aboard. The two have admittedly done wonders with Game of Thrones, and I can only imagine what kind of drama they can bring with something like Star Wars.

No release date has been set for anything after The Rise of Skywalker, but hopefully we get an announcement after the film hits theaters. Catch Star Wars: TROS when it comes out Dec. 20.


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