Star Wars: Chewbacca Actor Joonas Suotamo Wants to #MakeSolo2Happen

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Despite underperforming in the box office last year, Solo: A Star Wars Story was beloved by fans (who actually went to see it), and a lot of people are eager for a sequel—if Lucasfilm made one that is. The film was obviously setting up for more adventures with Han, but for now it looks like Lucasfilm has pumped the brakes when it comes to Star Wars anthology films. There has been some public outcry to #MakeSolo2Happen, and it looks like Chewbacca actor Joonas Suotamo is in on it as well.

This was his post on IG:

While Star Wars: The Force Awakens still featured original Chewie actor Peter Mayhew, Suotamo has been co-playing the more physically demanding parts of Chewie, and he fully took on the role by the time The Last Jedi came out. I felt that Suotamo really shone when he shared the spotlight with Alden Ehrenreich in Solo, and it would be disappointing if we never got to see the duo again.

As for Solo’s underperformance in the box office, Disney head Bob Iger has admitted it was their fault for rushing production and watering down the marketing to make sure the spotlight was on Infinity War. Now the sequel may never happen at all, and though a TV series on Disney+ could work out, I would personally prefer the spectacle of a box office film.

Hopefully with Suotamo onboard, we could get more attention from Lucasfilm. Fingers crossed we actually get to see Ehrenreich return as Han because I thought he was fantastic, and it would be a shame to drop all the things set-up like the return of Maul as well as Qi’Ra’s romance with Han.

Catch Suotamo’s Chewbacca return in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker which comes out Dec. 20.


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