J.K. Rowling Sarcastically Responds to Boycott of Upcoming Potter Reboot

J.K. Rowling Sarcastically Responds to Boycott of Upcoming Potter Reboot

The rally to boycott Hogwarts Legacy because of J.K. Rowling’s transphobic views was all over the internet, but that game still managed to be one of the best-selling titles of the year. Now with news of a reboot of Harry Potter franchise as a series, there’s a call to boycott the adaptation as well, but it doesn’t seem that Rowling is fazed.

In a recent post on Twitter, Rowling responds to the activists online organizing a boycott of the upcoming series. She says:

The thread is covered in JK Rowling’s supporters, who have also been taking shots at the trans activists that have been against the author. We don’t know if a boycott of the series could actually work, but Hogwarts Legacy managed to sell more than expected despite the ‘massive’ online movement to boycott the game.

Then again, I think the situation between Hogwarts Legacy and a Potter reboot could be completely different. While Legacy was a completely new property that expanded on the lore, a lot consider the Potter reboot to be a sort of final Hail Mary from a franchise that doesn’t seem to know how to grow. Rowling fumbled the bag hard with her Fantastic Beasts films, and a reboot now just seems lazy, especially with how well beloved the movies are.

We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. The reboot of the Harry Potter franchise is yet to have a release date.


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