Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon Team Happy Project Didn’t Turn Into Star Wars

Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon Team Happy Project Didn’t Turn Into Star Wars

Probably one of the biggest hooks of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon project is that it would have been set in the world of Star Wars, but seeing as the IP is so strict, Snyder decided to just make the movie something original.

While the film is already getting a lot of comparisons to a galaxy far far away, producer Deborah Snyder (who is also Zack’s wife) has expressed how happy their team is that they didn’t have to make something in the existing IP. Talking to /Film (via FandomWire), Deborah Snyder says:

“Once, it was a Star Wars film, and I never wanted it to be. I remember, I said to Zack, ‘I just feel like your hands are going to be tied so much in what that IP is,’ even though it kind of lived outside of it. So I was kind of happy when that fell apart, because I always felt like it was better. We learned so much with all our years working with the superheroes and creating those worlds, and to do something now that’s wholly original — we got to do a little bit of that in the world of zombies, and with Las Vegas, but to do something that is fantastical, we say it’s a science fantasy more than science fiction, and to take all those skills that Zack has been honing, and to do something in this space, just seemed really exciting.”

Though Zack Snyder is best known for his superhero comic work, his fallout with the DCEU is considered one of the worst ‘break-ups’ to ever happen between a director and a studio; and with Lucasfilm just announcing and dropping directors here and there, fans imagine that Snyder might find another hard time achieving his original vision.

So far, things are looking good for Rebel Moon. As expected from Snyder, the visuals do look original and fantastic. I’m just personally hoping that Snyder doesn’t get so caught up in the imagery that we actually have a story that’s compact and narratively solid.

Watch out for Rebel Moon when Part 1 hits Netflix on Dec. 22.


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