Jack Quaid Shares New Image of Himself from The Boys Season 5

Jack Quaid Shares New Image of Himself from The Boys Season 5

The finale of The Boys Season 4 had left everyone’s fate up in the air, and while we don’t have an official look at the final season yet, star Jack Quaid (Hughie) has given fans a look.

He posted this on his IG:


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A post shared by Jack Quaid (@jack_quaid)

While Hughie being covered in blood seems to be normal for every season of the series, this is the first time we’re seeing Hughie with the full beard and moustache. It’s possible that this could be a disguise for him, but seeing that he spent the finale getting arrested, it’s possible that Hughie (along with other members of the team) has been spending months in a prison somewhere.

Besides the blood, it actually seems that Hughie is a bit more cleaned up than dishevelled, so maybe he’s being treated humanely. The show being what it is though, it’s very likely that Hughie is going to be put through the wringer again.

As for the rest of the team, MM and Frenchie have all been apprehended, but Starlight was able to escape—possibly going off to rendezvous with Maeve, who is in hiding. There’s also the case of Butcher, who is somewhat alive, but has turned into some kind of evil supe on his own. The series has been hinting at the death of Butcher for a while now, and fans are just hoping he goes off taking Homelander down with him.

No specific release date has been announced for The Boys Season 5, but fans are expecting it to come out sometime in 2026.


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