There was barely any synergy between the Mortal Kombat reboot and any of the games, but it looks like they’re going to be changing that for the sequel in Mortal Kombat 1.
Mortal Kombat II has just given a look at Johnny Cage, Kitana, Shao Khan, and Scorpion; and the great news is, those skins are coming to the Mortal Kombat 1 game as well. Here’s the movie look:
and here’s how they’ll look in the game:
While Johnny Cage, Kitana, and Shao Khan will be new characters introduced in the movie, Scorpion looks to be sporting his same outfit from the first game. It’s unclear how Scorpion will be making a return, but it’s said that some characters that died in the first movie are somehow going to be making it back for the sequel like Kung Lao, Kano, and Sub-Zero—who will probably become Noob Saibot if they want to follow the lore.
I’ll admit, there were some questionable decisions done with the MK reboot (like the ‘arcane’ explanation for powers), but the movie does a lot of great things as well—especially when it comes to the visualization of everyone’s powers and the fantastic fight scenes.
We don’t know if MKII will be able to improve on the sequel this time around, but I am hoping that it manages to lay down the ground work for future movies. Fingers crossed we get to Tilda Swinton Kronika in a few years.
Mortal Kombat II is set to come out in theaters on Oct. 24. Mortal Kombat 1 is now playable for Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5.