Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Officially Announced

Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Officially Announced

Capcom may be best known for properties like Megaman and Street Fighter, but they also revolutionized the crossover fighting genre with the Marvel vs. Capcom games. Thanks to the Nintendo Direct showcase, we have a reveal for Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics, and it brings together seven major titles from Capcom’s Marvel era.

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Gonna take you for a ride back to the arcades with MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics! 7 legendary games, all in one Super Heroic collection, coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Steam, later in 2024.

The list of games in the collection include X-Men Children of the Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom Clash of Super Heroes, and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes; and just to add to all of that, you get the beat-em up The Punisher where you get to play as either Frank Castle or Nick Fury.

Though we still have a new gen of Marvel vs. Capcom games, the originals were praised for being able to amass such huge rosters of playable characters. Not only did they give the spotlight to popular heroes, they also made even more obscure characters like Blackheart, Shuma-Gorath, and Captain Commando playable.

Besides being able to access the games, the collection also allows you a look at the art gallery containing never-before-seen concept art. Plus, you also get to check out the soundtrack for all of the games.

This should be a huge nostalgia trip for seasoned fighting game fans, and fingers crossed we get to see a return to this 2D fighting genre with massive rosters of characters.

Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics launches for PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo Switch later this year.



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