Lucasfilm Games Announces Project from Uncharted Director

Lucasfilm Games Announces Project from Uncharted Director

It looks like the cancelled Lucasfilm Games project Ragtag could be making a comeback.

Just in, Lucasfilm Games has announced that they will be teaming up with Skydance New Media for a collaboration on a ‘narrative-driven, action-adventure game’. What’s more, they will be bringing along Uncharted director Amy Hennig to helm the project.

Hennig said about landing the job:

“I’ve often described how seeing Star Wars in 1977 essentially rewired my 12-year-old brain, shaping my creative life and future indelibly… I’m elated to be working with Lucasfilm Games again to tell interactive stories in this galaxy that I love.”

To find out why the involvement of Hennig is such a huge deal for some fans, it’s because she was actually set to be the creative director of Visceral Games’ Project Ragtag — an action-adventure game that was announced way back in E3 2016. Ragtag was then cancelled in 2019, but with Hennig back onboard, some fans are hoping that the game could actually get back into gear.

Ever since the establishment of Lucasfilm Games, we’ve been getting more and more Star Wars titles connected to studios that each have their own creative take on the franchise. While some EA games like Fallen Order and Battlefront II are still pretty impressive, it was kind of clear that the studio didn’t really want to invest too much on the Star Wars IP.

Moving forward though, it looks like Star Wars has a bright future in games. I can’t wait to see what Skydance has cooking in their studio.


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