Latest Trailer for Death Stranding 2 Features New Cameos and… a Metal Gear Reference?

Latest Trailer for Death Stranding 2 Features New Cameos and… a Metal Gear Reference?

Celebrity game director Hideo Kojima had quit Konami to start his own game studio, and luckily for Kojima Productions, Death Stranding was a huge success. Now Kojima and his team are gearing up for the release of the sequel with DS2: On the Beach, and a new trailer has been dropped, confirming a release date.

Check this out:

As always, the story still seems to be pretty confusing, but the ‘vibes’ of a Kojima game are ever-present with all the unique creature designs, and militaristic sci-fi.

A new trend that’s also emerging with Kojima is his penchant for celebrity guest stars. With the new trailer, we get to see a cameo from action star Ma Dong-seok. Other new cast members confirmed for the game are Alissa Jung as well as Luca Marinelli who could be filling in the role for Mads Mikkelsen’s villain character from the first game.

Admittedly, Death Stranding had a divisive reception when it first came out; being dubbed a very fancy walking simulator. But any fan of Kojima’s (as well as the critics) have nothing but praise for the game, and commend Kojima on his unique approach when it comes to game design.

Will Death Stranding 2 manage to surprise fans again? After years of development, everyone surely hopes so. Either way, the visuals do look fantastic, and Kojima has a lot of trust from his audiences to deliver a surreal and visually stunning experience.

Watch out for Death Stranding 2: on the Beach when it launches on June 26.


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