Joker: Possible Plot Details Revealed

Joker: Possible Plot Details Revealed

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With Aquaman and Shazam! being the more lighthearted DC movies, Todd Phillips is going to back to gritty with the Joker movie which comes out in October. The trailer was fantastic, but we don’t really have a clue on the specifics of the story. Thanks to Splash Report, we may have some new details on where everything is when the movie starts.

According to the site, Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a mentally ill person who wants to be a stand-up comedian, the only problem is, he’s unable to control it when he laughs. He lives with his mother who was a former housekeeper for the Waynes, and is said to be trying to get support from them but has been largely ignored.

After losing his job, Arthur finds himself killing three Wall Street guys who were harassing a woman in the subway, and he unwittingly starts this kind of movement where the poor start to revolt against the rich. Speaking of the rich, Thomas Wayne is running for mayor in an attempt to clean up the city.

There are also a lot more details in the leak, but if any of this turns out to be accurate, then the movie would have been spoiled. You can read everything from the report here, but I have to say I did warn you.

All in all, I’m loving this alternate look at Gotham. You can’t help but think , if the DCEU started off better, we wouldn’t have been able to get risky films like this one. Here’s hoping this becomes a success, and we get more spinoffs like this one in the future.

Who says everything has to be like the MCU?

Catch Joker when it hits theaters Oct. 5.


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