House of the Dragon: Paddy Considine On His Viserys Performance

House of the Dragon: Paddy Considine On His Viserys Performance

We’ve watched Viserys Targaryen slowly deteriorate over the course of the first season of House of the Dragon, but the last episode pretty much had Paddy Considine taking the spotlight as the dying king of the Seven Kingdoms.

A lot of love has gone Considine’s way since his last appearance, and in a post thanking the fans, he decided to thank actress Sian Brooke (Aemma Targaryen) for helping fuel his performance as King Viserys. Here’s his post:


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“I want to give massive love and respect to [Sian Brooke] who came in for only a few days, but changed the course of my character with her brilliant performance and commitment to the work. The impact stayed with me until my final improvised words. She unlocked the missing piece of the puzzle for me, and allowed my story to come full circle. From the moment she dies, so does Viserys. It was a love story.”

This is some very interesting insight to the character, and we get to see how it Aemma tends to linger in the show despite dying in the first episode. It was even said that Viserys’ actions in appointing Rhaenyra as his heir, were all an act of love for Aemma, because Rhaenyra was their only daughter, and having her take the throne was Viserys’ way to honor her.

It was amazing how nuanced of a character Viserys was for the series, starting out as an incompetent king; but in the end he proved that he was a very loving father who just wanted his family to be happy.

Catch the next House of the Dragon when it comes to HBO Max this Sunday.


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