Gal Gadot Confirms Joss Whedon Threatened Her Career

Gal Gadot Confirms Joss Whedon Threatened Her Career

While Ray Fisher has been vocal about how Joss Whedon mistreated the cast and crew of Justice League, his co-stars have been very mum about some issues (probably being careful not to incur WB’s wrath). A story had been going around that Whedon had threatened the career of Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot, and Gadot herself has come out to say that the rumors were true.

Talking to Israel’s N12 (via ComicBook), Gadot confirms, “[Joss Whedon] kind of threatened my career and said if I did something, he would make my career miserable and I just took care of it instead.”

We don’t have any more specifics on the discourse with Whedon from Gadot, but other stories say that Whedon threatened to make Gadot “look stupid” in the Justice League movie. Other people had said that Gadot had multiple concerns with her character’s changed lines, thinking that they won’t transition properly from her portrayal of Diana in the first Wonder Woman.

For now, it looks like WB is ready to put Zack Snyder behind it, but the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement has evolved into #RestoreTheSnyderVerse, and multiple fans have been relentless in their campaign to have WB restore Snyder’r original plans for the universe.

While the movement does scream ‘fandom entitlement,’ there are some who boiling it down to a couple of ‘bad eggs.’ Ultimately, at the heart of #RestoreTheSnyderVerse feels like a call for the studio to rethink its approach to the DCEU franchise; and make amends to the creatives they had previously wronged (like Snyder and director David Ayer).

For now, you can catch Gadot in Wonder Woman 1984 which returns to HBO Max on May 13.


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