Fans Want Rebel Ridge Actor to be the New Green Lantern John Stewart

Fans Want Rebel Ridge Actor to be the New Green Lantern John Stewart

Josh Brolin just made news last week when it was said that he was offered the part of an older Hal Jordan Green Lantern, but it looks like fans already have an idea for who they want as his underling John Stewart.

With the recent release of Rebel Ridge on Netflix, a lot of eyes are now pointed at actor Aaron Pierre, and a lot of people think he would make for a perfect Green Lantern. Fancasts of Pierre as Stewart have been making the rounds online and gathering thousands of likes.

You’ll also notice that the fancast has Chris Pine as Jordan instead of Brolin. Apparently, should Brolin decline the offer to play Hal Jordan, the shortlist is said to include actors like Pine and Timothy Olyphant to take on the part.

Besides Rebel Ridge, Pierre is probably best known for his role as the terrifically named Mid-Sized Sedan in M. Night Shyamalan’s Old which came out back in 2021. He also plays Malcolm X in the docudrama Genius from National Geographic.

I’ll have to admit though, with Brolin expected to play a grumpy old Lantern, it’s probably a given for his John Stewart to be more of a hotshot youngster—and Pierre has mostly just played serious characters. Then again, when it comes to his comic characterization Stewart was always pretty serious since he served in the Marine Corps. If the series is going for a comic-accurate Stewart, Pierre could be a great choice.

No release date has been set for the Lanterns series, but you can catch Pierre in Rebel Ridge now showing on Netflix.


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