David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived Follows Story of Daniel Radcliffe’s Stuntman who Got Injured Filming Potter

David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived Follows Story of Daniel Radcliffe’s Stuntman who Got Injured Filming Potter

Stuntwork is dangerous work, and though Hollywood tries its best to keep all their performers safe, accidents can still happen. One such accident happened to stunt performer David Holmes who was the lead stuntman for Daniel Radcliffe in the Harry Potter movies. One accident while shooting Deathly Hallows Part 2 had left Holmes paralyzed from the neck down, but somehow he managed to keep on trudging.

Now Daniel Radcliffe himself has come out to produce the docu, David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived, covering Holmes story and how he managed to figuratively get back on his feet after the accident. Watch this:

The story essentially follows Holmes story as he grew from being a child gymnast to being the lead stunt double for Radcliffe in the Potter films. Holmes had actually spent several years working with Radcliffe in the movies, up until his accident working on the very last film.

Besides footage of Holmes’ life after the accident, the documentary also has some raw footage of Holmes performing the stunts on Potter. Though most of the footage comes from Goblet of Fire, we also Holmes had been doing stunts for Potter since way back in the very first movie, Sorcerer’s Stone.

Though a lot of fans like to look at the relationship between principal actors like Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson, it’s easy to forget that there are people around the trio that also put their hard work on the films. It’s great that Holmes gets to have his story told in the spotlight.

David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived comes to Max on Nov. 15.


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