Could Jordan Peele be Directing a Marvel Movie?

Could Jordan Peele be Directing a Marvel Movie?

Jordan Peele has long moved away from his comedy persona and is now being touted as an auteur horror filmmaker, but what’s interesting is—he could be getting attached to a big IP soon.

According to the InSneider (via @ScreenTime) it’s possible that Peele has already met with Marvel to direct an upcoming MCU film. We don’t have much details about what Peele could be directing, but looking at his filmography, it’s possible that he could be directing something with a black character in the spotlight.

Already everyone is speculating that Peele could be in line to direct the upcoming Blade reboot which has been having a lot of trouble getting off the ground, but so far, it looks like director Yann Demange is still attached to the helm.

I would think that he would love to take on Black Panther, but it’s likely that Marvel Studios wants to stick with Ryan Coogler at the helm; but if Coogler would want to step down, maybe Peele could be a good replacement moving forward.

Personally, I would love for Peele to have his own original take on Luke Cage. We got a version of Luke Cage played by Mike Colter thanks to Netflix, but there has been a lot of criticism for that take not being ‘black enough’—another way to say that the Netflix version took away the grit and street-level attitude that made Cage a unique creation; and turned him into this more generally unoffending superhero.

I mean, if they won’t let Tarantino make his Luke Cage movie, Peele would probably be the best choice to make a commentary on a black superhero that’s not as noble as Black Panther.

Then again, that’s just my pitch. Until we get an official announcement, whatever Peele and Marvel met about will be completely between them.

In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait.


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