Green Lantern Series: Josh Brolin has been Offered the Role of Hal Jordan

Green Lantern Series: Josh Brolin has been Offered the Role of Hal Jordan

Josh Brolin may be best known for playing Thanos, but he has more comic book parts under his belt like Cablein Deadpool 2 and the often-forgotten Jonah Hex. Now rumor is going around that he could be up for another role, and it’s that of a major Justice League member.

According to Nexus Point News, Brolin has been approached to play an older Hal Jordan in HBO’s DC series Lanterns. The series would partner an experienced Lantern like Jordan up with a younger new recruit in the form of John Stewart.

Funnily enough, this kind of mirrors Brolin’s role as a younger Agent K in the Men in Black series where his character was also partnered up with a black rookie in the form of Agent J (Will Smith). But I guess by MIB 3, the roles are reversed, and J was already an experienced agent when he met Brolin’s K.

Take note, Brolin is yet to accept or deny the role yet, but he is said to be at the top of the list of actors wanted for the part. Should he refuse, the series still has a shortlist of would-be Hal Jordans that they could choose from.

With the Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds coming out in 2011, the IP has admittedly been put on ice when it comes to the box office. There were plans to introduce a new Lantern in Zack Snyder’s DCEU, but like the rest of his plans, they all fell through.

As of now, no release date has been set for the Lanterns series, but the show is expected to start shooting in January next year.


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