Josh Brolin and Peter Dinklage are Criminal Twins in Trailer for Brothers

Josh Brolin and Peter Dinklage are Criminal Twins in Trailer for Brothers

Josh Brolin and Peter Dinklage may have always found themselves in opposite ends of the Marvel spectrum—Thanos and Eitri, Cable and Bolivar Trask—but the two are now teaming up for an upcoming crime comedy called Brothers.

Here’s the trailer:

The official synopsis reads:

Brothers tells the story of a reformed criminal (Josh Brolin) whose attempt at going straight is derailed when he reunites with his sanity-testing twin brother (Peter Dinklage) on a cross-country road trip for the score of a lifetime. Dodging bullets, the law, and an overbearing mother along the way, they must heal their severed family bond before they end up killing each other.

Besides Dinklage and Brolin, the movie also includes performances from award winners Brendan Fraser, Marisa Tomei, and Glenn Close. The movie is also directed by Max Barbakow, who had done some fantastic work with the subverting of the Groundhog Day genre with Palm Springs.

I have to admit, Brolin has been kind of stereotyped into these hyper-serious grump characters, so it’s great to see him actually play against type and be the ‘stupid muscle’ of a crime duo. As for Dinklage, he hasn’t landed anything as big as Tyrion Lannister since Game of Thrones ended, but he’s managed to stick to non-stereotypical roles for little people, and you love to see it.

With a great cast and an interesting director, Brothers is looking to be an interesting comedy coming out amid the Halloween season. I wonder if there’s going to be any reference to Twins starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito.

Catch Brothers when it hits Amazon Prime Video on Oct. 17.


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