Ryan Coogler Possibly Wants to Make Black Panther 3 a Supernatural Horror Film

Ryan Coogler Possibly Wants to Make Black Panther 3 a Supernatural Horror Film

Ryan Coogler is currently on the spotlight for his upcoming movie Sinners, but a lot of people are curious what his plans are for Black Panther 3.

With rumors going around that T’Challa is being recast by Marvel Studios, TheCosmicCircus’ Alex Perez seems to think otherwise. In a recent Q&A, they revealed:

“To my understanding, it’s going to be Toussaint / T’Challa II moving forward for Black Panther 3, but that doesn’t eliminate the possibility of other Black Panther variants showing up in the Avengers’ films beforehand.”

In Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, it’s revealed that T’Challa and Nakia actually had a son that was born during the Blip, and it’s possible that he could be the new king T’Challa that could be explored by Marvel in the future.

As for the tone of the movie, Perez also confirms that Coogler may want to go a very unique direction with the next one. They say, “I do want to take advantage of your question to address Black Panther 3, and do want to say what I’ve heard about the film and its theme. Compared to the previous films, Ryan Coogler is interested in leaning into a more horror/supernatural/thriller tone for this film.”

We don’t know if Marvel is going to allow Coogler to go a different direction, but it does seem like he’s on a supernatural horror trip with his recent movie Sinners.

I wasn’t so sure about leaning into horror this time around, but filmmakers like Jordan Peele do say that there is an interesting connection between black culture and horror movies—and I would be interested to see how Coogler would like to take that on with a Black Panther title.

We don’t know when a third movie comes out, but hopefully we don’t have to wait until 2030 for the release.


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