Avengers: A-Day Reporting Loss of 96% of its Player Base Since Launch

Avengers: A-Day Reporting Loss of 96% of its Player Base Since Launch

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Though there was a lot of hype surrounding the release of Square Enix’s Avengers: A-Day, the release of the game was not met with great reviews, and now reports are coming out that the game has lost a ridiculously huge chunk of its players since launch day.

According to GameByte, the PC player base for Avengers has dropped down to 1,190 players—96% less compared to the number when the game launched a few months ago. Of course, these are just stats for one platform that the game is available on, but nobody is expecting any better when it comes to the player numbers on the consoles as well.

Though the different faces were kind of a hurdle to jump past, the Avengers game had ultimately failed when it came to content and gameplay variety. Multiple reviews have deemed the story sub-par compared to the MCU, and it’s said that missions can get repetitive quick and nothing is really there to keep players hooked in the long run.

If anything, live service has been promised for the game in the next year, and we’ll be getting more heroes like Hawkeye and Spider-Man for the PlayStation. Admittedly, the characters are going to be behind some kind of pay wall, and after all the bad press this game is getting, it’s possible that nobody will bat an eye when these expansions will be made available.

Hopefully Square finds a way to fix this mess, but we don’t know how much more they should invest in Avengers: A-Day, seeing that the game had already cost the studio millions. For a AAA game based on billion-dollar IP, some are left befuddled on how Avengers still managed to flop on release.

Square Enix’s Avengers is now playable for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC.


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