More Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters Come to Fortnite

More Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters Come to Fortnite

Avatar: The Last Airbender may still not have AAA game, but fans may have just gotten the next best thing thanks to Fortnite.

After the release of Korra from The Legend of Korra, the game has brought in classic characters from the original Airbender series in the form of Katara, Toph, and Zuko. Check this out:

Though these three characters are now available, the game is also expected to make Aang himself a playable character, and players will also be able to use airbending with him. For now, the game has the other three elements, Fire, Water, and Earth, available as Mythic weapons.

One character that a lot of fans are looking for though, is Sokka. Sokka isn’t really a bender, but his weapons are still extra props that come with the Airbender characters. Hopefully they manage to bring him into the game soon so players can have a completed Team Avatar.

With Avatar: The Last Airbender recently blowing up on Netflix, you would think that Fortnite would have decided to release this skins earlier. If anything, it still manages to catch up to the hype of the show, and these should keep fans interested in the world of Airbender for a little while longer as they wait for the next season or an update on the movie from Avatar Studios.

Katara, Zuko, and Toph are now available on the Fortnite shop. Fortnite is now playable for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S,PC, PlayStation 4|5, and mobile.


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